For a basic Girl Scout flag ceremony, you will need a color bearer (the girl who carries the flag) for each flag used in the ceremony, a color guard (the team of girls that guards the flag or flags), and the caller or Girl Scout in-charge (the girl who announces or calls each part of the ceremony).
Here are the commands for a basic flag ceremony:
The caller announces that the flag ceremony is to begin: "Girl Scouts, attention."
The caller instructs the color guard to advance with the flags, or advance to pick up the flags: "Color guard advance."
The caller directs the color guard to place the flag in flag standards, or to attach the grommets to a flag pole rope: "Color Guard, post the colors." (If not posting the colors, skip this part.)
The caller announces, "Please join us in saying the Pledge of Allegiance." It is helpful to add, "Ready, begin."
At this point, an appropriate song, quotation, or poem may be used, or the Girl Scout Promise recited.
The caller directs the color guard to salute the American flag: "Color guard, honor your flag." (The color guard should decide ahead of time how they are going to salute.)
The caller dismisses the color guard: "Color guard, dismissed." The color guard leaves in formation.
The caller dismisses the assembled Girl Scouts: "Girl Scouts dismissed." The girls may leave in formation or be at ease where they have been standing.
More information is available at Girl Scouts of America.
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