Saturday, March 27, 2010

Coelho sem casa (Rabbit without a hutch)

We have played this game for many years in English without knowing that it originally came from Brazil. "Coelho sem casa" (coh-AY-oh sem CAH-sah) is how you say "rabbit without a house" in Portuguese.

You will need girls in groups of three, plus one girl who is "it".

Two girls hold hands and form an arch with their arms; the third girl stands inside their arms, like a rabbit in its hutch.

The girl who is "it" calls out "Rabbit without a hutch!" or "Coelho sem casa!"

The girls who are hutches raise their arms to let out their rabbits, who must then run to find another hutch. Only one rabbit is allowed in each hutch. When a new rabbit arrives, the hutches drop their arms around their new rabbit, and the last remaining rabbit is now "it" for the next round.

Be sure to swap every few rounds so that the hutches get a turn to be rabbits.

Australian circle game

This simple ball game is from Australia.

You will need two tennis balls and at least 5 or 6 girls (the more, the better).

One player stands in the center of a circle of the other girls, holding a tennis ball. While the girls in the circle pass around the other ball, the girl in the middle tosses her ball to someone in the circle.

The girl in the center may throw her ball to anyone, but she usually throws it to the girl about to receive the ball being passed around the circle. If either ball is dropped, the one who dropped it changes places with the girl in the center.

Source: The GuideZone.